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Choosing my topics

Initial Brainstorming Activity:

To discover the 4 topics we want to take forward in our research we were given the task of creating mindmaps to mass brainstorm ideas. We did this by being given different prompts:

  • What makes you laugh?​

  • What makes you cry?

  • What gets you excited?

  • What makes you angry?

  • What stimulates you intellectually?

  • What interests you?

For each of these prompts we made a mindmap. I made these in a group, but still had plenty of my own contributions, as seen in my "Tuesday Workshops - Week 1" blog post.


And from these, I chose my 4 topics of interest:

  • Dreams. I actually got this from somebody elses mindmap but it is an area I am interested in and I have researched dream interpretation before. I hope to learn more about the science of dreams.

  • Extreme Weather. From "storms" in my cry mindmap. I have always been curious about extreme weather events and natural disasters, and why they seemingly are becoming more frequent today

  • Deep-Sea Trenches. From "oceans" in my intellectually stimulating mindmap. I have very little knowledge of deep-sea trenches, but I do know they are the lowest points on earth. I want to know how they form and why they aren't explored more.

  • Genetics. From my interests mindmap. I have always been interested in genetics from a genealogy standpoint but know very little about the science or history of it.


Next Steps:

Make moodboards and begin researching each area.

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